Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is common. In younger people, pain is more likely to be due to an accident or injury. However as you age natural wear and tear occurs in the shoulder joint and the rotator cuff tendon. This may become persistently painful over time.
Pain in the shoulder area, either at the front, ide or the back
Pain with raising the arm up or when reaching behind you, often a catching type of pain
Inability to raise the arm up
Feeling of instability in the shoulder with certain movements
Pins and needles of numbness in the fingers and down the arm
Rotator cuff impingement or tear
Biceps tendionopathy
Labral tears
Acute injury such as a fall
Poor mechanics leading to wear and tear over time
Repetitive activities
Subjective assessment. We will ask you lots of questions about your shoudlers, about the rest of your body,any past injuries or surgeries, about what you do each day, your exercise routine and your health in general.
Objective assessment of the shoulder. Assess its motion in various positions, palpate the areas and anyspecial tests we may need to do.
Full body assessment: We will always look at the rest of your body to see if there are any areas that could becontributing to your problem. A common area that is dysfunctional in people with problems in their shoulders are the ribs and the neck.
Treatment may include
Connect therapy approach
Muscle releases and soft tissue massage to the shoulder.
Muscle releases and soft tissue massage to any other part of the body that is contributing to the problem
Individualised exercise program including stretching exercises and strength training.
Dry needling