Hip and Groin Pain
The hip is a ball and socket joint, the socket being the ilium which is the side of the pelvis and the ball of course being the femur. Hip pain is a common complaint and often the pain felt from a hip is in fact felt in the groin which can be quite confusing. Know that there is a lot that can be done to get your hip pain under control.
Pain at the side or the back of the hip, maybe into the buttock
A pinching type pain at the front of the hip
Pain on the inside of the hip and the groin
Catching type of pain with certain movements, especially hip flexion and with rotation
Clicking in the hip
Discomfort or pain when sleeping
Pain when walking or running
Common conditions
Femero-acetabular impingement.
Labral tears
Adductor tendinopathy
Adductor muscle strain
Osteoitis pubis
Pelvic girdle pain at the pubic symphysis (see pelvic girdle pain)
Subjective assessment: We will ask you lots of questions about the hip itself, about the rest of your body, any past injuries or surgeries, about what you do each day, your exercise routine and your health in general.
Objective assessment of the hip: We will assess the hip in a range of positions and using any special testthat we feel we need to.
Full body assessment: We will always look at the rest of your body as well, to see if there are any areas that are contributing to your hip complaint. Often these will include areas such as the foot and the ribs as they are also centres of rotation.
Internal examination: This is sometimes required in female patients, as one of the hip muscles obturatorinternus can be involved in the hip dysfunction. This muscle is easily palpated via the pelvic floor.
Treatment may include
Connect therapy approach
Muscle releases or soft tissue massage externally around the hip
Muscle releases or soft tissue massage internally via the pelvic floor if required
Muscle releases or soft tissue massage to any other part of the body that is contributing to the problem
Use of real time ultrasound for activation of deep abdominal wall (transversus abdominus), pelvic floor and deep hip stabilisers
Individualised exercise program including stretches and strength training
Dry needling