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We offer classes online via zoom and at our Bondi Junction clinic

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We love our classes and so do our patients. We must admit they are a little different to the norm.  What we want is for you to be able to feel where your body is in space.  We want to teach you where it should be, how to get it there and most importantly to use the right muscles in the process.  The class will focus on coordination, strength and flexibility. Our rehab/prehab classes run in our clinics. They are 45 mins long and have a maximum of 6 people per class. They are led by our physiotherapists with option of attending in clinic or via zoom. The classes are done in monthly blocks at $35 per in person class or $20 per online class. 


To ensure that the physio knows you and your body well we do a detailed assessment first.  We want to find out what’s happened to you in the past, what you want to get out of coming and of course figure out what you need to do in order to get there.  Each assessment is 30 minutes long and costs $105. These need to be booked in before your first class. 




This class is for anyone and everyone.  There will be people in there with back pain, with calf pain, with neck pain and sometimes with no pain at all! The maximum for this class is 8 participants. It will cover everything. You will do some stretching, some strength work and of course it will teach you how best to hold your body in many different situations.  The instructor will know your body well; what it can and can’t do and will customise the class to you accordingly.




If you are pregnant then this is the class for you.  It doesn’t matter how far along you are (we have ladies anywhere from 6 weeks to 40 weeks), how fit you are, or if you’ve never done a group class before.  Everyone is welcome. These classes aim to prevent Abdominal Separation (Diastasis Rectus Abdominus), Pelvic Pain and promote awareness of your Pelvic Floor.


As we are exercising we chat a lot about pregnancy, delivery and of course what life may be like after the baby has come. We give lots of tips about how you can help your body deal with these things as we go. Think of it like a mothers group in reverse!


Post Natal 

Our post natal classes are for mums and bubs. After you have had your 6 week check with us you are welcome to join our Post Natal classes. They are specific mat based classes to help you recover and rehabilitate your body well after pregnancy and birth. You are welcome to also join the class even if your baby is 6 months old, there is no set time. They are a great place to start if you are looking to get back and exercise safely. 



Bones and Balance 


Is a class aimed at improving bone mineral density and falls prevention. The class is for anyone who is at risk of falls or has osteopaenia/ osteoporosis. 


If you have any questions about any of our classes, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


We look forward to seeing you soon!


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Suite 204/506 Miller Street
Cammeray NSW 2062
Bookings (02) 8920 9564

Bondi Junction

Suite 904/3 Waverley Street
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Bookings (02) 9387 1011

Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved The Physiotherapy Clinic

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